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Category: Children and Teens

  1. Questions to Ask When Choosing a Preschool

    Yes, it’s only February, but parents of preschoolers are already thinking about…
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    Questions to Ask When Choosing a Preschool
  2. Listen: JSSA Hospice Social Worker on Palliative Care Chat Podcast

    JSSA Hospice social worker Arlen Grad Gaines was a recent guest on the University of…
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    JSSA social worker Arlen Grad Gaines on Palliative Care Chat podcast
  3. JSSA Hospice Social Worker Wins Children’s Book Award

    I Have a Question about Death: A Book for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Other…
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    Arlen Gaines from JSSA Hospice wins Moonbeam Children's Book Award
  4. JSSA’s Specialized Employment Partnership with RSV Pools on ABC7

    On Monday, September 4th, WJLA-ABC7 featured the new innovative partnership between JSSA and…
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    JSSA's Specialized Employment services partnered with RSV Pools in Maryland to create a summer jobs program for students with autism.
  5. Tips for Parents of Teens Entering High School

    Adapting to high school isn’t always easy for adolescents, and neither is learning to parent…
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    Tips for Parents with Teens Entering High School from social workers at JSSA in Montgomery County
  6. How to Help Your Child Successfully Transition to Middle School

    The beginning of a new school year marks a major transition in the life of every child.…
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    Transitioning to Middle School
  7. 6 Ways to Ease Back-to-School Challenges for Students with Special Needs

    Heading back to school means new classrooms, new people, and new expectations. Students with…
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    easing back-to-school challenges for students with special needs
  8. Transitioning from Preschool to Kindergarten

    Moving from preschool to kindergarten is a natural and exciting part of growing up. However,…
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    tips for parents and children about transitioning from preschool to kindergarten
  9. How to Prepare Your Child for Preschool

    Starting preschool can be anxiety-provoking for toddlers, but parents can ease the transition…
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  10. Talking to Children with Special Needs About Death and Dying

    Talking with any child about death and dying can be daunting, but it may be particularly so…
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    Talking to children with special needs about death and dying