The Pride of Cabin John CVS Health

Celia came to JSSA in 2017 for employment assistance after recently earning her bachelor’s degree. She had limited work experience, and the prospect of communicating all she had to offer in a short interview was daunting—a challenge for anyone, but particularly for someone with autism like Celia.
JSSA helped Celia apply to her first-choice company, CVS, and although she was granted an interview, she was not offered a job. However, JSSA had faith in Celia and her potential to be a successful employee. She just needed a chance to showcase her ability.
JSSA didn’t doubt Celia. We thought that she needed a chance to let her ability be seen. As a result, JSSA and CVS created an innovative externship training that allows job candidates to learn and gain valuable work experience. JSSA’s employment specialist encouraged the CVS hiring manager at the Cabin John store, Axel Garay, to allow Celia to work as an “extern.” The training partnership provided Celcia with an extended opportunity to become comfortable at the store and demonstrate her capability. Axel, the manager agreed, and Celia began to blossom within just a few short weeks. Axel reported to JSSA that he not only thought she was ready to be hired by CVS based on her performance but insisted that she work for him at the high-volume store.
This happy result is not the end of the story but rather just the first chapter of Celia’s successful career at CVS. Because of her outstanding performance, energy, and customer service skills, she was offered a full-time position within months. A few months later, she was promoted to overnight shift manager, and just five months later, Celia became the daytime shift manager. On multiple occasions, Celia has been named Employee of the Month and received additional awards for her attendance record and outstanding customer service.
For more information on JSSA’s Employment Services program, contact Tom Liniak at 240-800-JSSA or