Your contribution helps JSSA provide essential services to our community. With your help, we can make an immediate difference in the lives of your neighbors during their most consequential moments, whether it’s a child struggling with anxiety, a young man with disabilities looking for a job, or a senior working to live independently as they age.  

Stock and Wire Transfers: If you are interested in making a wire transfer or stock gift to JSSA, please contact us at We ask that you let us know which stocks you are transferring so JSSA can acknowledge your contribution. 

Amazon Smile: When you log into Amazon Smile, Amazon donates a percentage of your purchase price to JSSA at no extra cost to you. 

Car Donation: Donate your car, truck, or motorcycle to JSSA to support our programs and services and receive a tax deduction.  

Join Planned GivingLeave an impact on your community for generations to come by including JSSA in your planned giving.  

Donate Offline: 

Please print this mail-in-donation-form, make all checks payable to JSSA, and send both to our secure bank processing center at the following address: 

P.O. Box 392492
Pittsburgh, PA 15251-9492 

Please visit our corporate giving page if your company is interested in becoming a corporate sponsor. 


Learn more about the many ways to support JSSA financially.